Friday, October 27, 2006


I saw the most disturbing thing on my way home from work today. I was tooling along on I-94 almost to the Hartford exit. I was minding my own business just jamming away with the radio and singing "All My Ex's Live in Texas". All the sudden out of nowhere I noticed this big dually truck started to pass me. It was pulling a huge animal trailer. But this was different than any other animal trailer I had ever seen. It was open to the elements with only a few metal bars on the sides. It was also a double decker. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was full of baby pigs!!

There were so many baby pigs that they were scrambling all over the tops of each other. It was raining and freezing cold. The poor pigs couldn't keep their footing due to all the crap and the pigs legs were all sticking out the side bars. Most looked like their legs were about to be broken. I wished I had my camera with me.

The truck was going so fast that it was soon quite a ways ahead of me. Then I noticed that it was exiting on my exit. Now I had the opportunity to catch up and get an even better look. Next thing I knew we were both stopped at the stop sign off the exit ramp. My heart was breaking for those pigs. There I sat with my mouth open!!!

I wanted to rescue all those pigs and bring them home and foster them. Then I came to my senses and I remembered what we had just gone through fostering Ricky.

Where were those pigs going? What was their demise? Next time I am eating a pork chop I'll think of those baby pigs!!!

1 comment:

  1. very sad story :-(
    We all should become vegetariens!!
    Hello from Upstate NewYork (just stumpled across your blog)
