Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday Morning

Morning glory in my garden

It's my favorite day of the week, but I'm not feeling my usual self. I've got a nasty cold or flu or something. I did sleep good last night, that was a blessing. I went to bed at 9:30 and didn't get up until 8:00. That's a long time for me.

I got up and took all the dogs outside for our morning ritual. The mosquito's about carried me away so I didn't stay out for very long. Then I talked myself out of Sunday School which I hated to do because we are starting a new series today that I didn't want to miss. I'm still going to church but I thought the extra time I would have this morning would be good for me.

Poor Zoe is walking around this morning with one of her eyes all weepy and half closed. I cleaned it and couldn't see anything but she keeps pawing it too so it must be bothering her. I'll have to take her to the vet tomorrow if no improvement.

Ricky (our foster dog) has made himself right at home and is one of the family. He sure has a lot of energy. He flies around here bouncing from one piece of furniture to the next. His favorite spot is on the back of the couch so he can watch out the window. The amazing thing is that he is totally housebroken. We've had him over a week and he has not had one accident in the house. Makes me think that he must have been someone's pet........but why didn't anyone come to claim him at the shelter? He's a mystery.

Most of my family and friends think that I will fall so in love with him that we will end up keeping him. They will be surprised because we are not keeping him. As crazy as I may be about him the rewarding part of this is knowing what you do for these animals and giving them the chance for a wonderful life. Ricky will make someone a wonderful companion when he finds his forever home.

Craig's been gone most of the weekend at a car show in Kalamazoo with his job, Jordan is running around with a friend, and Caleb has to work after church this morning so I will be home nursing myself after church. I haven't touch this house or laundry all weekend so I need to get that done too before Monday rolls around. This weekend has gone too fast.

Have a great week............Love, Jessica

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